
About Me & My Blog

My blog is a beauty based blog, specifically about Nail Polish: Nail Polish swatches, Nail Polish comparisons, Nail Polish collections, my Manicure of the Day. All content and photos are my own property and cannot be used without my express written consent.

My name is Paula and I live in California right now with my hubby of many years and my new Pomeranian puppy Gigi (@Gigi_intheOC). You may see her featured at the bottom of a post sometime.

I love collecting and wearing nail polish and have a room full to prove it. If you ever want to see a comparison of a nail polish I feature, let me know in the comments and if I have it, I will show it!

I started this blog as a way to document my manicure of the day. I do enjoy swatching nail polish collections too though. I do my best to describe the nail polish as I see it. I am always honest in my reviews of all nail polish. I also try to get color accurate photos, but I hardly ever color correct my photos. If they are not really true to color, I will mention it in the post. If I do happen to color correct I will mention that too. 

You will usually see a lot of photos in my posts. I like to show off the nail polish in many different lighting situations and angles so you really get a feel for the nail polish.

I truly appreciate everyone who stops by my blog to look around. I love seeing so many people from so many countries all around the world who visit. I hope you all like what you see and will follow my blog and come back again!

I would love to hear from you in the comments of any posts that move you – either good or bad! I will always answer!

I am RealPolishFanatic at Makeup Alley (MUA). I’m usually hanging out in the nail care board over there. You can message me there.

If you want to chat away from the blog, you can email me at RPF1968 (at) hotmail (dot) com. 

And you can find me on Instagram @realpolishfanatic

I would love to hear from you! 


Happy polishing!!
